InterCommunity 2015

7-8 July 2015
A global meeting of the Internet Society, on the Internet, for the Internet.
This one-of-a-kind community event will give you the opportunity to share your unique perspectives on key Internet topics and issues.
- Connect with the Internet Society Board of Trustees
- Exchange ideas with Members around the globe
- Join lively discussions about Collaborative Governance, Collaborative Security, and Access & Development
- Hear insights from the 2nd annual Global Internet Report
- Share your views on critical issues facing the Internet
How do I participate?
You can participate online or in-person at a Regional Event in your area.
Participate Online:
Join the meeting from wherever you are. The only thing you need is an Internet connection and a computer. Since we’re all over the world and active nearly everywhere, and nearly all the time, we needed to get creative in our scheduling. We’ll offer two different session times to join online – one on 7 July and one on 8 July. The topics in each session will be repeated, but the speakers and participants will be different.
Regional Nodes:
These Interactive Regional events are key to InterCommunity. Join in person at your Regional Node to interact with your local community. Plus, each Regional Node will have the ability to interact with other Nodes, and our Board of Trustees, who will be joining from the Node in Auckland, New Zealand.
Mark your Calendar! Register today!